Global Venezuelan. Latinopolitan. Researcher and author. I'm in love with many areas, so I cross and intercept them. From online media and cultural encounters to gender and online censorship.
The Development and Maintenance of Digital Security Community Resources and Curricula
This report presents findings from Internews’ research into the development and maintenance of long-standing digital security resources and the communities behind them. It summarizes some key best practices and lessons learned. That way, existing initiatives future projects can build on the experiences of those who have built and maintained community resources.
U.S. elections implications, tackling gender-based violence, and dangerous trends in Bolivia and Nicaragua
November in the Americas saw increasing challenges to freedom of expression and civic space. In the United States, newly approved legislation threatens to undermine civil society and nonprofit organisations. In Bolivia, widespread violence against journalists covering protests highlights the long-term impact of the criminalisation of the press. Meanwhile, Nicaragua’s Universal Periodic Review at the UN Human Rights Council brought renewed calls for the protection of fundamental rights in the country.
¿Se puede aprender la comunicación intercultural?
Desde 2012 me he dedicado a estudiar los modos y los espacios con potencial para el aprendizaje de la comunicación intercultural, o más a secas, la interculturalidad. Empecé estudiando comunidades en línea, entusiasmada y muy segura del gran potencial que existe cuando personas de muchos países se encuentran e intercambian historias. Mi prisma fue el de los aprendizajes informales, o aquellos que se dan fuera de ámbitos oficiales, como la escuela o las universidades.
Apagones de internet en América Latina: Referencias
Padlet con referencias para aprender más sobre apagones de internet en América Latina. Elaborado durante los esfuerzos de promoción y enganche de los cursos de Advocacy Assembly - Shutdown Academy
A Venezuelan Digital Artist Defends LGBT Rights Despite Social and Political Censorship
Gender fluidity, the oppressiveness of social norms, and the dignity of the LGBT community are at the centre of Daniel Arzola’s art and visual campaigns, most notably the project No soy tu chiste (‘I’m not a joke’), which Arzola created as a form of resistance to the everyday violence of living under heteronormativity.
Exiled Expression: Support initiatives
The forced displacement of journalists and rights defenders has become a global phenomenon. In part one, the authors looked into some of the root causes and impacts in Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean. Here, they share some support initiatives and reflect on the potential for greater cross-regional collaboration.
Restrictive laws in Paraguay and Cuba and rising hostility in Argentina
October in the Americas: A free expression and civic space round-up produced by IFEX's Regional Editor Laura Vidal, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.
October in the Americas witnessed intensifying pressures on freedom of expression, with new legislative actions and escalating threats to journalists marking a difficult month for civic space.
Campus protests against Israel’s war in Gaza spread, plus new World Press Freedom Day resources
This month, we focus on the student protest actions against Israel’s war on Gaza across US college campuses, and on the violent and disproportionate responses that are raising questions about the right to freedom of expression, as well as concerns for the safety of journalists covering the events.
Digging into the reality of shutdowns in the Americas: An insidious threat
A vendor uses his cell phone in front of a painting that says “We continue to fight” amid anti-government demonstrations, in Bogotá, Colombia, 17 June 2021. Martin Galindo/Long Visual Press/Universal Images Group via Getty Images
Special Issue: Laura Vidal looks into internet shutdowns and the complexities of this practice in the region. Based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.
In the region, shutdowns are not black and white. Tactics to interfere with internet access are often ...
You say protection, I say surveillance: Undermining privacy rights in the Americas
Digital surveillance continues to spread in the region, limiting the right to privacy and curtailing basic freedoms in civic space, while threatening the security of journalists and human rights defenders.
Exiled Expression: Root causes and impacts
The forced displacement of journalists and rights defenders has become a global phenomenon. In this brief, the authors look into some of the root causes and impacts in Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean. In part two, they share some support initiatives and reflect on the potential for greater cross-regional collaboration.
Entrevista: "Derechos digitales y diáspora”
Hace poco hablé en el espacio radial del Observatorio de la Diáspora Venezolana sobre los desafíos del control de la información en Venezuela. La censura, la vigilancia y las restricciones digitales son obstáculos que enfrentamos cada día en la defensa de los #DerechosDigitales. Como sociedad civil y diáspora, tenemos la responsabilidad de educarnos en seguridad digital para fortalecer nuestras redes de confianza y resistencia.
Unveiling Venezuela’s Repression: Surveillance and Censorship Following July’s Presidential Election
This is part one of a series. Part two on the legacy of Venezuela’s state surveillance is forthcoming.
As thousands of Venezuelans took to the streets across the country to demand transparency in July’s election results, the ensuing repression has been described as the harshest to date, with technology playing a central role in facilitating this crackdown.
The presidential elections in Venezuela ...
Information literacy skills of a conspiracy theorist?
I was the research consultant of the project and partly author of the booklet.
Ficciones para el cambio social — IRIS - the International Resource for Impact and Storytelling
La Tertulia de septiembre de 2023 con IRIS fue un despliegue de inspiración y de ideas que mezclaron lo nuevo con lo ancestral. Hablamos de esto tan profundamente humano que es contar historias y desempacamos los modos en los que pueden ser un vehículo poderoso de cambios sociales y de impacto en la cultura. Como suele ocurrir, esta conversación tuvo aire de principio y nos faltó el tiempo para ir aún más allá, pero igual –por supuesto– nos quedamos con notas invaluables que se pueden leer aquí.